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Blasting Off to New Heights
Enhancing and Supporting the Educational Experience at
Royal Oaks School of the Arts
All About Us
The purpose of the Royal Oaks PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at Royal Oaks, to develop a closer connection between school, home, and community by encouraging parent involvement, and to improve the environment at Royal Oaks through volunteer and financial support.

Blasting Off to New Heights
Tracie Snyder
Vice President
Sara Fink
Jaleesa Robinson
Patrick Hayes
Committee Organizer
Lisa Parrish
Teacher Representatives
Gina Ratajc, Brittany Dorsey, and Peyton Driver
Melody Marsh
Frequently Asked Questions
When and where are meetings held?
General PTO parent meetings are held at least twice a year. Notice is sent out at least one week in advance via ParentSquare and our email list. Email to be added to the list so you don't miss out! Meetings are held at Royal Oaks School of the Arts.
How can I become part of the organization?
Membership is automatically granted to all parents and guardians of Royal Oaks students, plus all staff at Royal Oaks. There are no membership dues.
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